What Foods Are Safe During Dental Implant Healing?
Posted on 10/19/2020 by Alexandra Garcia DDS MS |
If you get dental implants, you need to go through an initial healing period of at least 14 days. However, it will take about six months for the implants to fuse with the jawbone, so they establish a firm anchor. Therefore, during both these times, you need to adjust what you eat so the implants can heal properly and osseointegrate, or become established in the jaw bone.
What You Can Eat after Implant Surgery
You cannot eat anything sticky, hard, or crunchy after you get implants, as doing so can cause the implants to shift. Therefore, you need to plan nutritious meals that make it easier for you to chew and for the implants to heal. These foods include soft boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, creamy soups, broth, steamed vegetables, apple sauce, pudding, yogurt, cheese, soft breads, and oatmeal. Remember to focus on softer foods and stay away from foods that take more effort to chew. For example, it is better to eat breaded fish than to eat meat, such as steak, which normally takes some time to chew. Choose dark meats of chicken or turkey instead of white meat, which can be stringier and harder to chew or bite.
What You Should Drink
While you might not think what you drink is all that important, you should refrain from drinking anything too hot or cold, especially after surgery, as doing so can cause inflammation or swelling. Indeed, the time you spend healing after implant surgery is a critical period, as you need to take extra care to ensure the implants remain in place. You will need to continue this practice until the implants fully fuse with the bone.
If you are interested in getting implants, we can provide you with more details. Call us with your questions and arrange for a consultation today. You can improve your smile, thanks to today's modern innovations in the prosthodontic field. Give us a call for further information now.